• go to Yann LeCun's profile page
  • go to Jeffrey D Ullman's profile page
  • go to Prof. Martin Hellman's profile page
  • go to Robert E Tarjan's profile page
  • go to Juris Hartmanis's profile page
  • go to Dennis M. Ritchie 's profile page
  • go to John McCarthy's profile page
  • go to Ronald L Rivest's profile page
  • go to Alfred V Aho's profile page
  • go to John E Hopcroft's profile page
  • go to Niklaus E. Wirth's profile page
  • go to Kenneth Lane Thompson's profile page
  • go to Jim Gray 's profile page
  • go to Ole-Johan Dahl 's profile page
  • go to Kenneth E. Iverson 's profile page
  • go to Edwin Catmull's profile page
  • go to Edmund Clarke's profile page
  • go to Marvin Minsky 's profile page
  • go to A. J. Perlis 's profile page
  • go to Robert E Kahn's profile page
  • go to Leonard M. Adleman's profile page
  • go to Butler W Lampson's profile page
  • go to Allen Newell 's profile page
  • go to Leslie G Valiant's profile page