Reddy, D. R., “Segmentation of Speech Sounds,” Journal of the Acoustical Society, Vol. 40, 1966, pp. 307-312. Illustrative of Reddy’s early work on speech recognition.
Reddy, D. R. (). “Computer Recognition of Connected Speech,” Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Vol. 42, 1967, pp. 329-347. A journal paper based on Reddy’s PhD dissertation.
McCarthy, J., Earnest, L., Reddy, D. R. and Vicens, P. J. (1968). “A Computer with Hands, Eyes, and Ears,” Proceedings of the Fall Joint Computer Conference, 1968, pp. 329-337. This article reports on integrating Reddy’s speech-recognition work with control of a robot hand and a computer vision system.
Montanari, U. and Reddy, D. R., “Computer Processing of Natural Scenes: Some Unsolved Problems,” Proceedings of the Agard Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, 1971, Rome, Italy. This article is illustrative of Reddy’s early work on computer vision.
Reddy, D. R., Erman, L. D. and Neely, R. B., “A Model and a System for Machine Recognition of Speech,” IEEE Transactions on Audio and Electroacoustics, December 1972.This article reports on some of the early CMU work on speech recognition.
Newell, A., Barnett, J., Forgie, C., Klatt, D., Licklider, J. C. R., Munson, J., Reddy, R. and Woods, W. (1973). “Speech Understanding Systems: Final Report of a Study Group,” Department of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA (published for Artificial Intelligence), North-Holland/American Elsevier, 147. The classic report outlining plans for the DARPA speech-understanding project.
Reddy, D. R., Erman, L. D., Fennell, R. D., and Neely, R. B., “The Hearsay Speech Understanding System: An Example of the Recognition Process,” Proceedings of the 3rd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 1973, Stanford, CA, pp. 185-193. Also in IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol. C-25, No. 4, April 1976, pp. 422-431. This article describes an early version of one of the CMU systems resulting from the speech-understanding research project.
Lesser, V. R., Fennell, R. D., Erman, L. D. and D. R.Reddy, “Organization of the Hearsay-ll Speech Understanding System,” Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Speech Recognition, Pittsburgh, PA, 1974, pp. 11-22. Also in IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Vol. ASSP-23, No. 1, February 1975, pp. 11 -24. This article describes the final version of one of the CMU systems resulting from the speech-understanding research project.
Reddy, D. R., “Speech Recognition by Machine: A Review,” Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 64, No. 4, 1976, pp. 501-531.
Reddy, D. R., “Pragmatic Aspects of Machine Vision,” In Computer Vision Systems, Riseman & Hanson (eds.), Academic Press, New York, NY, 1978. A chapter describing Reddy’s ideas about computer vision.
Lowerre, B. and D. R. Reddy, “The Harpy Speech Understanding System,” Trends in Speech Recognition, Wayne A. Lea (ed.), Prentice-Hall,1979.A description of the most successful speech system at CMU.
Kanade, T. and D. R. Reddy, “Computer Vision: The Challenge of Imperfect Inputs,” IEEE Spectrum, Vol.20, No.11, 1983, pp. 88-90. Reports on views about computer vision in the presence of noise.
Reddy, D. R., “Foundations and Grand Challenges of Artificial Intelligence,” 1988 AAAI Presidential Address, AI Magazine, Winter 1988.
Lee, K. F., Hon, H. W., and D. R. Reddy, “An Overview of the SPHINX Speech Recognition System,” IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing,1990. A later and quite successful speech-recognition system developed at CMU.
Reddy, D. R., “To Dream the Possible Dream,” Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, Vol. 39, No. 5, pp. 105-112, May 1996. This article is Reddy’s Turing Award Lecture. It is available at: