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Ivan Sutherland DL Author Profile link

United States – 1988

Sketchpad in use. Photo courtesy of Ivan Sutherland.

The Head-mounted Display (aka The Sword of Damocles) worn by Donald L. Vickers, one of Ivan E. Sutherland’s Students at The University of Utah. Photo courtesy of Ivan Sutherland.

Ivan Sutherland with David Evans at University of Utah, © University of Utah archives

Jerone Elkine, senior vice-president of Bolt, Beranek and Newman, Inc. and Ivan Sutherland examining the Line Drawing System, © University of Utah archives

Sutherland and his class producing a grid on his wife's VW (origin unknown)

Scientific American, January 1983, “Machines that Walk” (aka The Trojan Cockroach)
Request for permission pending

Ivan Sutherland at the Computer History Museum
Courtesy of Richard F. Lyon.