1936 Judea and parents

1946 Judea doing grade school homework

1953 Judea ready for the Army

1960-Judea and his wife Ruth at their wedding

1966 Judea upon graduating from Technion, Israel

1964 RCA, Pearl Vortex discovered

1966 Judea upon his arrival in California

1966 California Here I Come

1968 Judea at Electronic Memories Inc.

1969 Joining UCLA

1995 Election to National Academy of Engineering

1996 Faculty Lecture
Judea and his children (left to right)
Tamara, Daniel, and Michelle

1997 Judea and his wife Ruth

2004 Causal networks and other attractions

Daniel, Ruth and Judea Pearl

Judea receiving his ACM A.M. Turing Award, left to right: Alain Chesnais (ACM President), Alfred Spector (Google), Limor Fix (Intel), Judea, John White (ACM CEO) (© ACM, 2012)