• go to John McCarthy's profile page
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  • go to Ronald L Rivest's profile page
  • go to Richard Karp's profile page
  • go to Leslie G Valiant's profile page
  • go to Richard W. Hamming's profile page
  • go to Andrew C Yao's profile page
  • go to Herbert A. Simon's profile page
  • go to Alan Kay's profile page
  • go to Jeffrey D Ullman's profile page
  • go to Prof. Martin Hellman's profile page
  • go to Silvio Micali's profile page
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  • go to Jim Gray 's profile page
  • go to Frances Allen's profile page
  • go to Whitfield Diffie 's profile page
  • go to Edwin Catmull's profile page
  • go to C. Antony R. Hoare 's profile page
  • go to Judea Pearl's profile page
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