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John McCarthy DL Author Profile link

United States – 1971
Additional Materials

The 17 videos and texts from the "Celebration of John McCarthy's accomplishments" can now be seen on the Stanford Computer Science web site. They include tributes by his children, several other Turing Award recipients, and other individuals who know him well. Access the videos here.

A very large archive of documents videos and other material concerned with John McCarthy and the history of the Lisp language may be found here.

In March 2011 John launched Project JMC with the objective to make his work more approachable and accessible. The Project JMC team is continuing to help realize his objective. They have created a website in which you will find all John's work, including his social commentary, and acknowledgements of his outstanding contributions and impact.

John has been the subject of many essays. The one by Bertrand Myer, published by the ACM, stands out as a significant contribution to  John's memory. It is available here.

Oral Interviews

John has been interviewed by Nils Nilsson for the Computer History Museum. They describe the subjects considered in this interview as including:

McCarthy, John; AI (Artificial Intelligence); Caltech; Princeton University; Harvard University; MIT; Dartmouth College; Kyoto Prize; FORTRAN; Lefschetz, Solomon; Shannon, Claude; Bell Laboratories; Kleene, Stephen; Stanford University; International Business Machines Corporation (IBM); Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC); IPL (Information Processing Language); LISP; recursion; Kemeny, John; Minsky, Marvin; alpha-beta; minimax; Samuel, Arthur; Corbató, Fernando; Fredkin, Ed; Gurley, Ben; BBN; Newell, Allen; IBM 704 (Computer); IBM System/360 (Computer); General Electric (GE); SAIL (Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory); DARPA; mathematical logic; Prolog (Computer program language); Cyc; Lenat, Doug; Gödel, Kurt

The transcript of the interview can be found here.

McCarthy was interviewed by Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove for the series "Thinking Allowed, Conversations on the Leading Edge of Knowledge and Discovery." The transcript is available here.