• go to Edgar F. Codd's profile page
  • go to Leslie G Valiant's profile page
  • go to Herbert A. Simon's profile page
  • go to Michael Stonebraker's profile page
  • go to Joseph Sifakis's profile page
  • go to A. J. Perlis 's profile page
  • go to Douglas Engelbart's profile page
  • go to Jeffrey D Ullman's profile page
  • go to Edmund Clarke's profile page
  • go to Charles W Bachman's profile page
  • go to Whitfield Diffie 's profile page
  • go to Kenneth E. Iverson 's profile page
  • go to Edsger W. Dijkstra's profile page
  • go to Dr. Jack Dongarra's profile page
  • go to Shafi Goldwasser 's profile page
  • go to John Backus 's profile page
  • go to Edward A Feigenbaum's profile page
  • go to Butler W Lampson's profile page
  • go to Juris Hartmanis's profile page
  • go to Michael O. Rabin 's profile page
  • go to John Cocke 's profile page
  • go to Richard Karp's profile page
  • go to Yann LeCun's profile page
  • go to Allen Newell 's profile page