About Jim Gray
The items in this section were the main sources of information for the main essay.
Special Issue: Proceedings of Tribute to Honor Jim Gray. ACM SIGMOD Record, Volume 37, Number 2 (June 2008). ACM Digital Library These articles were written by people who worked with Jim over the years, and provide many insights into his contributions and the kind of person he was.
Jim Gray, OH 353. Oral history interview by Philip L. Frana, 3 January 2002, San Francisco, California. Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. umn.edu This interview covers Jim’s childhood, education, and work at IBM Research in some detail; it then switches to a discussion of his views on a variety of topics.
By Jim Gray
Gray, J. N., R. A. Lorie and G. R. Putzolu. "Granularity of locks in a shared data base" In VLDB 1975: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, pages 42-451. Association for Computing Machinery, 1975. ACM Digital Library
Eswaran, K. P., J. N. Gray, R. A. Lorie, and I. L. Traiger. "The notions of consistency and predicate locks in a database system," Communications of the ACM, Vol.19, Num. 11, pp. 624-633, November 1976. ACM Digital Library.
Jim Gray, Paul McJones, Mike Blasgen, Bruce Lindsay, Raymond Lorie, Tom Price, Franco Putzolu, and Irving Traiger. The recovery manager of the System R database manager. ACM Computing. Surveys, Vol. 13, Num. 2, pp. 223-242, 1981. ACM Digital Library
Anon et al., "A Measure of Transaction Processing Power," Datamation, Volume 31, Number 7, April 1, 1985, pages 112-118. Tandem TR at HP Labs
Jim Gray and Andreas Reuter, Transaction Processing: Concepts and Techniques, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 1993.
For a more complete bibliography of Gray’s writing as well as copies of most of the articles, see the Publications section of his professional web site at Microsoft. See also his author page at ACM.