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Short Annotated Bibliography
  1. Levin, Michael, Lisp 1.5 Programmers Manual, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1965.  The classic manual for the most widely used programming language for artificial intelligence research.
  2. Lifschitz, Vladimir (ed.), Artificial Intelligence and Mathematical Theory of Computation, Papers in Honor of John McCarthy, Academic Press, San Diego, 1991.  Covers much of John McCarthy’s pioneering research.
  3. McCarthy, John, M.L. Minsky, N. Rochester and C.E. Shannon, “A proposal for the Dartmouth summer conference on artificial intelligence”  Conference Announcement for the seminal meeting on AI, 31 Aug. 1955.
  4. McCarthy, John, “Programs with Common Sense,” Proceedings of the Teddington Conference on the Mechanization of Thought Processes, 1958.  His earliest work on getting computers to reason like people.
  5. McCarthy, John, “A Time Sharing Operator Program for our Projected IBM 709”, Memorandum to Professor P.M. Morse, Jan. 1, 1959. This memo initiated the development of timesharing systems.
  6. McCarthy, John, et al, “Thor—a display based time sharing system,” Proceedings of the AFIPS Conference, 1967.  The first display-based general purpose timesharing system.
  7. McCarthy, John. “The Home Information Terminal.” Man and Computer, Proceedings of the International Conference, Bordeaux, 1970, pp. 48-57, Karger, Basel, 1972.  Anticipated the usefulness of computer access from the home, much of which would not be realized until the appearance of networked personal computers in the early 1980s.
  8. McCarthy, John, Edward Feigenbaum, Joshua Lederberg, “The first ten years of artificial intelligence research at Stanford,” Computer Science Department Report STAN-74-409, Stanford University, July 1973.  Reviews the diverse set of projects that found a home in SAIL.
  9. McCarthy, John. “Applications of Circumscription to Formalizing Common Sense Knowledge,” Artificial Intelligence, April 1986.  A key development in formalized common sense reasoning.
  10. McCarthy, John and Vladimir Lifschitz (ed.), Formalization of Common Sense, papers by John McCarthy, Ablex, Norwood, New Jersey, 1990.  More on common sense reasoning.
  11. Shannon, Claude and John McCarthy (eds.), Automata Studies, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1956.  McCarthy’s first large work on what he later called artificial intelligence.